The Orca shaped spaceship piloted by Birdy. Its name is Tute |
Birdy the Mighty Decode is a science fiction anime which centers around the pursuit of two highly dangerous criminals named Geegas and Bacillus.
In the first episode Birdy(the investigator/beserk killer) employed by a very large pan-galactic government known as the Federation. She pilots her ship close to the ship being used by these two criminals to escape from the federation. It fires on her ship, but her ship took no damage as its made of tougher stuff.
She jumps out in a really cool space suit made of her ship’s avatar(also known as Tute), blasts into the fleeing ship, captures the pilot, but the criminals have already ejected and headed for earth(which is not part of the federation).
As a result she has to go undercover to capture the criminals again, several months later, she is undercover as a model on earth, who just so happens to specialize in playing an alien girl. Another protagonist sees her picture but doesn’t notice.
The high school student is highly interested in ruins and other abandoned places(he’s an eccentric), it just so happens that he ends up going to the place where Greegas is hiding out(on earth he is a legitimate business man, though he is still doing highly sketchy and evil stuff). He is trying to maintain his brother’s(the other criminal’s) life support, because he cannot survive on earth based food(or any other food which can be obtained legally).
The high school student is injuredkilled in the fight between Greegas and Birdy. His mind is placed inside of her body in order to keep him alive, the federation officially apologizes to him, and tell him that he will have a new body which is currently being grown to replace his dead one.
I’d recommend this series is worth looking into for anyone who doesn’t mind subtitles. It seems like a good series, so just enjoy it if you like anime.
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